Sake Nation “First Sake Sampling Event Overseas in a Long Time - Part II: Hawaii”

By Kosuke Kuji

The previous report described the joy of resuming business trips since the end of the coronavirus pandemic. 

This issue reports on the sampling event, “The 23rd Annual Food Show,” held at the Prince Waikiki in Honolulu, Hawaii; attended by The Cherry Co., Ltd., distributor of sake Nanbu Bijin, various local sake, and Japanese food products. 

This sampling event was held for the first time in four years since the coronavirus pandemic. I attended this event to visit our clients in Hawaii. 

“It’s been a while!” I exclaimed, overjoyed to greet the brewery of Sake brewer based in North America, breweries from Japan, and vendors of Japanese food.

The food show was a major success, attended early in the morning by many affiliates of restaurants and wine shops.

The officially announced number of guests was approximately 700, mostly local Hawaiian guests. Approximately twenty percent of the guests were Japanese, which is few, but also an indication of how deeply Japanese cuisine is rooted in Hawaii. 

A sample of the Nanbu Bijin 10 Years Aged Daiginjo Sake was exhibited at this sampling event. I was surprised to see orders placed for this sake priced at $1,500 USD in restaurants. 

The Hawaiian guests were all healthy, and Japanese restaurants were excitedly planning to open more locations at this exciting event. 

酒豪大陸「久しぶりの海外での試飲会 その2 ハワイ」 







