The National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation set up the Restaurant Employee Relief Fund to help restaurant industry employees experiencing hardship in the wake of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak.
The Restaurant Employee Relief Fund (“Fund”) was created to help restaurant industry employees experiencing extraordinary hardship in the wake of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak. Through this Fund, grants will be made to restaurant industry employees who have been impacted by COVID-19, including a decrease in wages or loss of employment. Grants will be awarded as soon as possible to those individuals who meet the prescribed eligibility criteria, as reviewed and verified by the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation (NRAEF). This Fund is operated by the NRAEF, whose mission is to attract, empower and advance today’s and tomorrow’s restaurant and foodservice workers.
Your Eligibility
Funds will be available for restaurant and foodservice employees who can demonstrate that they:
・Worked on a part- or full-time basis in the restaurant industry for at least 90 days in the past year ; and
・Have had a primary source of income in the restaurant industry for the last year; and
・Have experienced a decrease in needed wages or loss of job on or after March 10, 2020 the result in a lack of resources to pay for essential expenses ; and
・Live in the United States, an overseas U.S. military base, or any U.S. territory*; and
・Are over the age of legal majority in their in their U.S. state or territory; and
・Meet other requirements demonstrating financial need as determined by the NRAEF.
Your Need For Funds
One-time grants are for short-term COVID-19 related hardships in paying any of the following expenses only:
・Home rent or mortgage ・Car payments or transportation costs ・ Utility bills
・Student loan payments ・Child care ・Groceries ・ Medical bills
For inquiries about the fund, please visit at www.rerf.us
* Depending upon the terms of certain contributions to the Fund, certain amounts may only be available for distribution in limited geographic areas. Individuals related to employees or board members of the National Restaurant Association or National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation ARE NOT eligible for grants. All grants are made at the discretion of the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation.
全米レストラン協会教育財団(National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation(NRAEF))は、レストラン従業員救済基金を設立した。この救済基金は、新型コロナウイルスの発生を契機に財政的に影響を受けたレストラン業界の従業員を支援するために設立され、 この基金を通じて新型コロナウイルスの影響を受けたレストラン業界の従業員に対し、賃金の低下や失業などで失われた賃金の補てんの為に助成金が給付されるというもの。この基金は全米レストラン協会教育財団が運営しており、この財団の使命は、レストランやフードサービス業界で働く人達の側に立ち支援することを目的としている。
・家賃または住宅ローンの支払い ・自動車ローンの支払いまたは交通費
・公共料金の支払い ・学生ローンの支払い ・育児に関わる費用
・食料品購入 ・医療費支払い
尚、基金への申し込み、問い合わせは、www.rerf.us まで。