By Keiko Fukuda
The guide map of Japanese food restaurants of Little Tokyo is becoming livelier and livelier every year featuring more and more ramen, sushi, okonomiyaki, izakaya places, etc. In addition to the groups such as Daikokuya and Shinsengumi, which have launched the business and have been expanding locally, there are many other restaurant businesses which came from Japan, and are flourishing successfully here. One such business is “PASTA e PASTA by ALLEGRO”, which is located in the Honda Plaza.
Their parent company is “Restaurant Bank”, which has developed and is running 16 locations mainly in the Kansai area of Japan including the current 2 in the US. Their business models are diversified, which include oden-izakayas, and standing room only drinking bars, soba-izakayas, Italian restaurants, and Italian dessert specialty restaurants. They even do consulting for curry and yakiniku restaurants. After their President, Mitsuhide Hayashi opened sushi izakaya “JINBEI” in Irvine in Orange County as their first overseas restaurant, he talked to Masaki Tsuzuki, who is currently managing PASTA e PASTA by ALLEGRO, and decided to open PASTA e PASTA by ALLEGRO in Little Tokyo. Mr. Tsuzuki’s title in the company is General Manager, Overseas Businesses Division.
This restaurant is about to enter the third year since its opening, and Mr. Tsuzuki says that he felt good responses early on in the second month. “Since the very first day the restaurant was introduced in an online medium called DineLA, people started to come, and we got really busy. Then, after getting an interview by LA Weekly, we got even busier!” He said that those 2 times they were featured in the media, is what really caused the sudden boost in the number of customers.
“ALLEGRO” in Japan, which is run by the parent company, serves pizza and pasta, taking advantage of the President’s experience of winning 6th place in the pizza chef competition in Naples, Italy. However, here at PASTA e PASTA by ALLEGRO, they concentrate on serving only pasta dishes. Tsuzuki explains the reason as follows; “First, I thought it was necessary to simplify the operation to efficiently run the restaurant. Also we disclose the pasta recipes openly within the company, so anybody can score at least 80 out of a perfect 100 points. In our system, absence of the chef would not disable the making of the pasta dishes.
Mr. Tsuzuki also insists on the principles of making the operation simple, and the authenticity of the recipes. “Our pasta is not a fusion. We do not jump to new things, and stick to the basics sincerely. Our recipes consist of 80 percent traditional Italian, and 20 percent Japanese flavored. We will never be diverted from the idea of sticking to the royal road of cooking.
As Mr. Tsuzuki explained, in addition to Japanese style pasta dishes such as uni cream pasta and mentaiko pasta, their pasta menu consists of authentic Italian pasta dishes such as beef ragu (bolognese), arrabbiata, etc. All those pasta recipes are copied from their restaurants in Japan rather than Americanizing them, but the volume is larger for here. I had the uni pasta on the interview day. The large-volume pasta was coated with rich uni cream sauce, and big pieces of uni on top. “Anybody can score at least 80%” isn’t a humble enough quote. It tasted so satisfying; however, I must say honestly that the American size volume was not easy to handle unless you are very hungry.
I asked about the customer ratio, which is 80% Americans, and 20% students and business people from overseas including Japanese. Although the entrance is narrow and small, the tables in the back are laid out spaciously. The back space looks well-suited for private parties.
The group already has 2 locations in the US, and Mr. Tsuzuki said that they are hoping to increase the number of restaurants in the future, regardless of the business models. “Many of our restaurants in Japan are located, not in busy city centers, but in remote areas. Rather than starting at locations where the property leasing is expensive, we try to draw people to us by the restaurant’s attractiveness.” I had a feeling that the day is near when we see one of this group’s wide variety of restaurant business models, which has been established in Japan, in a Los Angeles suburb in the near future.
ラーメン、寿司、お好み焼き、居酒屋と、リトルトーキョーの日本食マップは年々賑やかに彩られていくが、現地で立ち上げて店舗数を広げてきた大黒家や新撰組といったローカル組以外に、日本からの進出組の活躍も目覚ましい。その中の代表的な存在が、ホンダプラザ内に出店しているPASTA e PASTA by ALLEGROだ。
同店の親会社は、日本の関西を中心に、国内と現在のアメリカの2店舗を含め16店舗を展開しているレストランバンク。おでん居酒屋、立ち飲み、そば居酒屋、イタリアン、イタリアのデザート専門店を多様な業態な店を構え、さらにカレー店、焼肉店のコンサルティングも手がける。そして、社長の林秀光さんが海外1号店としてオレンジ・カウンティのアーバインに寿司居酒屋JINBEIを出店した後、現在PASTA e PASTA by ALLEGROをマネージしている都築正記(つづきまさき)さんと話し合い、PASTA e PASTA by ALLEGROをリトルトーキョーに開けた。ちなみに都築さんのタイトルは海外事業部統括マネージャーだ。
開店して3周年を迎えようとする同店だが、手応えを感じたのは2カ月目の時点、非常に早かったと都築さんは振り返る。「オンラインのメディア、DineLAに紹介された当日からお客さんが詰め掛けて急に忙しくなりました。その後、LA Weeklyから取材されると、さらにお客さんが増えました」。顧客が一気に増えた転機は、メディアに紹介された、その2回だったそうだ。
日本で親会社が経営しているALLEGROは、社長がナポリのピッツァ選手権で世界6位になった経歴を生かして、ピッツァとパスタを扱っている。しかし、ここアメリカのPASTA e PASTA by ALLEGROではパスタだけに絞っている。その理由について都築さんは次のように説明する。「まずは店を効率的に回すためにオペレーションをシンプルにする必要があると考えました。また、パスタのレシピに関しても社内で広く公開することで、誰が作っても80点は取れるようにしています。シェフがいないと作れないというシステムにはしていません」。
432 E. 2nd St., Los Angeles
Monday Closed