By Keiko Fukuda
The words, Sushi, Tempura, Yakitori, Ramen, and Udon are already recognized without being translated into English, and now a new Japanese food term is about to be added to such recognition by Americans in the areas where it is served. The new word is “Sutadon”. It is an abbreviation of Sutamina Donburi (energetic bowl), which is a bowl of rice topped with pork belly slices in garlic soy sauce. This dish was originated from the menu for employees of a ramen restaurant in Kunitachi-city, Tokyo, about 50 years ago. When they added this dish to the official restaurant menu, it became a big hit.
Under the first generation ownership, there was a total of only 3 restaurants; 2 in Kunitachi, and 1 in Kokubunji, but under the second generation ownership, they grew into a franchise. In 2015, their first US restaurant opened inside the Mitsuwa Marketplace in Chicago. “Our business philosophy is to provide cooking which can be the base power for Japanese and people worldwide,” says Hayato Yanagisawa, the General Manager of VEGIITA USA which is in charge of operations on the American side. On weekends, many enthusiastic American clients drive long hours to Chicago from far away to have “Sutadon”. On the other hand, the second U.S. restaurant in the Torrance Mitsuwa Marketplace is not as extremely popular as the Chicago branch, but the sales have been stable despite being in such a competitive location for Japanese restaurants because there are so many of them in the area. In the beginning, half of the Torrance branch customers were Japanese, but as the popularity grew by word of mouth, the Japanese clients now account for only 30%, and the rest, made up of other Asians and non-Asian customers, is increasing. I asked Mr. Yanagisawa the reason why the “Sutadon” is so well accepted. He said, “It’s the taste. Something they never tasted before. Another reason must be the freshness. Each bowl is created by hand after each order has received. Customers love that they can taste the freshly made food.”
About the sauce - the majority of its recipe is secret. Each branch finishes making the sauce; however only 3 people at the headquarters in Japan actually know the complete recipe. About the food ingredients for the bowl - pork and Japanese negi leeks are used in Japan, but for the U.S., Pork and onions are used with a bit of green onions for the green color. Some adjustments as such are made depending on the customers’ preferences of each region. Another equally popular item as Sutadon for the Torrance branch is the Chicken Cutlet Curry. The Japanese style curry is gaining popularity in the US nowadays, and the Sutadon restaurant curry made daily has made the third US branch in Plano, Texas, recognized as a curry restaurant on Yelp.
From now on, they aim for the developing of a multi-restaurant business by bringing their Japanese business style to the US, in which they do not limit to just Sutadon, but also include other specialty restaurants such as ramen restaurants. Mr. Yanagisawa spoke about the strategy to open more restaurants. “We will narrow down target locations where there are as few other Japanese restaurants as possible, but yet people are wanting more Japanese food. Unless we find a property of excellent conditions, it is unrealistic for the business like ours to spend high labor wage rate for low individual customer sales. In California, the competition for the Japanese food business is so tough, and the hourly wage is going higher and higher on top of it. We are also considering no-man operation such as receiving orders through computers in order to lower labor cost, but it still takes some investment capital to acquire such computer systems. Therefore, we will probably consider the option after we succeed in increasing the number of restaurants to a certain point.”
VEGIITA USA is planning to add 3 branches every year from now on in North America. You can taste the Sutadon only in Chicago, Torrance and Plano, now, but you may become able to taste it all over the United States in the future if their branches keep increasing.
初代は国立2店舗と国分寺1店舗の計3店舗を経営していたが、二代目になると看板料理となったすた丼をより多くの人々に知らせるべく、チェーン展開を開始。そして2015年にはシカゴのミツワ・マーケットプレイス内にアメリカ第1号店を開けた。「当社の企業理念は、日本、世界の人々の底力となる料理を提供すること」と語るのは、同店をアメリカで経営するVEGIITA USAのジェネラルマネージャー、柳沢隼人(ルビ:やなぎさわはやと)さんだ。
VEGIITA USAとしては。今後、年に3店舗ずつ、北米に新規店舗をオープンさせていくということだ。今はシカゴ、トーランス、プレイノでしか食べられないすた丼が、店を増やし続けることで、将来的に全米各地で味わえるようになるかもしれない。
21515 S. Western Avenue Torrance, CA 90501
7 days open