By Aya Ota
It has been long believed that bringing the Japanese way of business as is to the US would not lead to success. It has to be modified to fit the tastes and habits of local customers. Lately in the New York area, although authentic Japanese taste in general has settled in and well accepted in various menus, I believe almost no one has succeeded in bringing the Japanese way in every aspect including styles of service and operation up until now. The “Ikinari Steak” chain in Japan has been growing with incredible speed since the opening in December of 2013 with their innovative concept of “tachigui steak” (meaning you eat steak standing up), and now has 120 restaurants all over Japan. In February of 2017, their first overseas restaurant opened in the East Village of Manhattan, and has rapidly become super popular with more than 400 visitors daily.
Here is how it is at “Ikinari Steak”—when you enter the restaurant, you will be guided to a table with usually no chairs (There are a few with chairs). You pick up a number plate on your table, walk towards the kitchen, and order your steak. There are 4 different types of steaks: “Ribeye” ($2.55/ oz), “Sirloin ($2.27/oz), “Filet” ($3.12/oz), and “Assorted Steak”) ($22.16 for 10oz). The price is by the weight of your order, and the meat is cut in front of you. The meat will be cooked according to your preference right away, and brought to your table on a sizzling hot iron plate. You pour the soy sauce-based special sauce made in-house by yourself, and eat the steaming excellent quality meat that is full of aroma. When you finish eating, you take the check on the table to the cashier to pay for your meal.
“The customers seem to enjoy the experience as a whole,” says Takashi Tsuchiyama, the US President of the company. During the planning for the opening, many people thought that no one would want to eat steak standing up, or that it would be so uncommon to have customers bring the bill to the cashier, but all those worries turned out to be in vain. The concept of “eating standing up” came from the hopes of offering high quality meat with reasonable pricing. As a result, the great taste and quality led to winning. In Japan, they use US, Australian, and domestic meat according to the menu, but in the US, they use only American beef to enable the offering of low cost yet high quality meat.
Customers in general prefer medium rare temperature, but the restaurant strongly recommends rare steak, and now 30% of the customers prefer rare. Their special sauce created with the idea of Kunio Ichinose, the founder of the company, is served warm in a thermos so the cooked-off-the-grill piping-hot steak won’t cool down.
The serving style of Japan is directly introduced as well. As soon as you arrive to your table, a glass of water is served. There is a place under the table for your belongings. In order to avoid spills or smells, your belongings will be covered with a cloth napkin, and for you, they provide a paper apron to protect your clothing from the spill of meat juice. The restaurant staff wear a see-through plastic mask for hygiene, and so not to hide their friendly smiles.
Their detailed service doesn’t end there. There is an odor-eliminating spray can at the exit. No tipping is necessary. The specially-priced lunch menu is offered until 5PM. There is no compromising except the little inconvenience of eating standing up. They also made minor adjustments by making the tables higher and wider than the standard sizes, and just started to change the meat weight unit from grams to ounces in July. All those efforts are for their “customers first” principle.
Their second restaurant is planned to open around this coming October in the Chelsea District. Their goal is to open 20 restaurants in Manhattan alone, and eventually a total of 1,000 restaurants nationwide. The secret for their success in Japan, where they opened 100 branches in only 3 years, was limiting the number of menu items for effective operation and productivity. One other secret for success for this New York restaurant is the introduction of Japanese sake on the menu. The promotion of the “J-Steak”, a Japan-made steak eating style, was very effective, and also made people want to drink sake. They introduced only one brand of sake in April, and sell more than 100 bottles a month.
Their next immediate goal is to familiarize in the US, the “Niku (meat) Mileage membership card” combined with an app., which is very popular in Japan. You collect points according to the weight of the meat you eat for discounts. In Japan, you can even add pre-paid amounts on the card, and get bonuses accordingly. They also publish the customer ranking according to the collected points, which creates many repeaters who wants to come eat steaks as if they enjoy playing games. I would really like you to go and try this new restaurant, “Ikinari Steak” in New York that gives you continuous surprise and excitement.
米国飲食業界では長年、「日本のやり方を持ってきてもうまくいかない。米国人客の嗜好や習慣に合わせなくてはいけない」と言われてきた。近年ニューヨークでは、メニューに関しては、日本そのままの本格的な味が受け入れられるようになったが、サービスやオペレーションまでそのまま持ってきて成功を収めている店は、これまで存在しなかったのではないだろうか。『いきなり!ステーキ』は“ 立ち食いステーキ”という斬新なコンセプトで、2013年12 月創業後、驚異的速度で日本全国に約120店舗に拡大。そして、2017年2 月、海外1 号店をイーストヴィレッジ地区に開店。瞬く間に一日400 人もの客が訪れる人気店となった。
『いきなり!ステーキ』の仕組みはこうだ。店内に入ると、まずテーブルに案内される。テーブルと言っても、基本的には椅子はない(一部着席できるテーブルがある)。テーブルに設置された番号札を持って、キッチンへ歩き、肉を注文する。メニューは「リブロース($2.55/oz)」「サーロイン($2.27/oz)」「ヒレ($3.12/oz)」「乱切りカットステーキ(10oz $22.16)」の4 種類のみ。目の前で塊肉を好みの量にカットしてくれ、値段は重さに応じて決まる。焼き方を選んだ後、すぐさま焼き上げ、アツアツの鉄皿に乗せて、テーブルに運ばれる。客は自らの手で、醤油ベースの特製ソースをかけ、その香りと湯気を楽しみながら、極上の肉をほおばる。食べ終わったら、テーブルに置かれたチェックをレジに持参して精算…という流れだ。
「客はこの世界観全体を楽しんでいる」と話すのは米国社長の槌山隆氏。開店計画中には「ステーキを立ち食いする客などいない」「レジで会計させるのは非常識」などの声も多かったが、杞憂に終わった。立ち食いを導入したのは、そもそも「高級ステーキを安価に楽しんでほしい」と考えたからこそ。結果的に、味や品質が勝因につながった。日本では、牛肉は米国・豪州・国産を使い分けているが、ニューヨーク店ではすべて米国産を採用した結果、より低コストで高品質な肉を提供できている。一般的にミディアム・レアを好む客が多い中、同店では自慢のレアを堂々と勧めて、レアを頼む客も約3 割に増えたという。創業者の一瀬邦夫氏が考案した特製ソースは、焼きたての肉に温かいソースをかけるという細やかな配慮で、保温ポットで提供される。
日本で実践しているおもてなしもそのまま導入。テーブルに着くと即座に水が運ばれる。足下の荷物置き場に荷物を置くと、臭いや汚れがつかないようさっと布をかけてくれる。肉汁が飛ばないように紙製のエプロンを用意。店員のマスクは、衛生面と笑顔が見えることを両立させた透明のプラスチック製。店の出口には消臭スプレーを設置。チップも廃止。ランチタイムには破格なメニューを用意し、しかも夕方5 時まで注文可能だ。
つまり、立ち食いなだけで、他は一切妥協しない。わずかに調整を加えたことと言えば、テーブルを少し高く、幅を広くしたこと。そして、この7 月にはグラム表示からオンス表示へ変更したこと。「顧客満足が第一」と考えるからこその調整だ。
10月頃には2号店をチェルシー地区に開店予定。マンハッタンだけでも20店舗、全米に1,000 店舗を目指しているという。日本でもわずか3 年で100 店舗という偉業を成し遂げた秘訣は、徹底してメニュー数を絞り、オペレーションを効率化し生産性を向上させたことにある。ひとつニューヨーク店初の試みとして成功したのは、日本酒の導入だ。日本発ステーキ“J-Steak” としての打ち出し方が功を奏し、日本酒を飲みたいという客が多かったという。4 月から1 種類のみ導入したが、1 カ月にボトル100 本以上売れるという。
Ikinari Steak
90 E 10th Street
New York, NY 10003
Tel: 917-388-3546