Small, but shining restaurant in a high-class neighborhood
By Keiko Fukuda
Pacific Palisades is an upper-class residential town sandwiched between the mountains and the sea located about a 10 minute-drive north from Santa Monica towards Malibu. Many residents are in the entertainment industry. The midtown of this small town includes only a few blocks along Sunset Blvd. The restaurant, “Sasabune Express” is located in this central area, and is the only Japanese restaurant there.
The name, “Sasabune” must sound familiar to you if you are a sushi connoisseur of Los Angeles. In the 1990s, Sasabune in the Sawtelle area was the talk of the town because people used to make a long line outside of the restaurant waiting to get in. Yes, it is that Sasabune. The warm sushi rice served with big toppings were very refreshing and innovative. The Pacific Palisades location opened about 10 years ago as a set-up branch by the owner. As the name “Express” indicates, it started as mostly a take-out place. In 2011, when Kana Morita was assigned as the manager to run the place, the operation style changed drastically. The interior was renewed to allow people to sit and eat in a relaxed manner, which made the ratio of take-out 40%, and eat-in 60%.
Kana changed not only the style of the restaurant, but also became fastidious about the efficiency in operations. One example is the POS system using iPads. She explains how effective the POS is. “If the order is taken by hand, mistakes can be made, and it also requires another step which is to put the order through to the kitchen or the sushi bar. If ordered through the POS we are currently using, when the server inputs the order into the iPad at the table, the contents of the order will be printed out at the kitchen or the sushi bar. It saves not only time, but also minimize mistakes. There are 30 customer seats, but thanks to the POS, only one server can handle all orders during lunch time, and for even dinner time, myself and one other person on the floor can handle all the customers.” There is only one person working in the kitchen, two at the sushi bar, and one or two on the floor. They are really small in numbers, but superbly efficient.
The menu has been narrowed down. In order to lower the food cost, the menu is focused on sushi, and the tempura is shrimp only. The lunch menu and the dinner menu are the same. The most popular item is the Combination-B containing one each of tuna, salmon, and hamachi sushi, 2 pieces of albacore sushi, plus one hand-roll with a choice of salad or miso soup. The price is $14.90. The signature dish at this restaurant is called “Trust Me” at $42, which contains sashimi, 9 sushi pieces, and a hand-roll. You can taste the same quality as the original Sasabune because the chef built up his career at the main restaurant.
They close dinner early at 8:30pm, but also start early at 4:00pm. No alcohol is served. I heard that almost all the people who eat out in this town is the residents of Pacific Palisades. It is very difficult to acquire the alcohol license because it is such a quiet residential town. So rather than spending time and making efforts to fight for it, their strategy is to offer reasonable prices and a healthy style to eat sushi with no alcohol. The net profit of 25% indicates the strategy is working.
Kana, the able manager, surprisingly has not been working in the restaurant industry long. She actually used to work in the apparel business. A fresh view point must have been needed more than experience, which is evident with the successful innovation. However, they will face a new challenge 3 years from now. A large-scale shopping mall will be built across the street. Outsiders will start coming into this quiet town, Pacific Palisades, and the rent is expected to go up a lot. I should look forward to seeing how they take this challenge as a chance, and persevere through the challenge.
パシフィックパリセーズはサンタモニカからマリブ方面に10分ほど北上した場所にあり、海と山に挟まれた高級住宅街だ。エンターテインメント関係の住民が多いのが特徴。この街の中心街はサンセット・ブールバード沿いの限られた数ブロック。エリア唯一の日本食レストランとして営業しているSasabune Expressもまた、この中心地にある。
Sasabuneと聞けば、ロサンゼルスの寿司ファンなら「あの店」と思い浮かぶ。1990年代にウエストロサンゼルスのソーテルで長蛇の行列ができる店として人々の噂にのぼった、あのSasabuneだ。温かい寿司飯と零れ落ちる大盛りのネタが実に新鮮で革新的だった。パシフィックパリセーズのSasabune Expressは、その本店からの暖簾分けという形で10年近く前に開店。最初は店名にあるように「エクスプレス」、つまり持ち帰り寿司の店だったが、2011年にマネージャーとして森田加奈さんが店を任せられるようになってから、スタイルを大幅に変えた。落ち着いて食事ができる内装に一新し、現在では持ち帰りは40%、店内での食事は60%という割合になった。
また、メニューも絞り込んでいる。フードコストを下げるために寿司中心でメニューを構成、天ぷらは海老のみ。ランチもディナーもメニューは統一。最も人気があるのはツナ、サーモン、ハマチ1貫ずつにアバコア2貫、ハンドロール、サラダか味噌汁が付くコンボB。値段は14ドル90セント。また、本店での看板メニューのお任せは「Trust Me」というメニューで42ドル。刺身に9貫の握り、ハンドロールという内容だ。Sasabune本店で修行を積んでいるシェフによるものだから、店は変わっても同じクオリティで楽しめる。
さらにこの店、閉店時間は8時半。早く閉める分、ディナーは4時から営業している。しかもアルコールを一切提供していない。聞けば、パシフィックパリセーズの街で外食をする人々はほぼ確実にこの住宅地の住人なのだそうだ。静かな住宅街ということで、アルコールライセンスを取ることが困難。そこまで時間と労力をかけてアルコールの免許を取るよりも、アルコール抜き、リーズナブルな値段で健康的に寿司を食べてもらうのがSasabune Expressの作戦なのだ。しかも純利益率25%と聞けば、その作戦が成功していることがわかる。
手腕を発揮しているマネージャーの加奈さん、てっきりレストラン業界の経験が長いのかと思ったら、以前はアパレルの仕事に就いていたそうだ。経営改革には経験よりもフレッシュな視点が功を奏した。そして、3年後には新たな課題が降りかかってくる。通りを挟んだ反対側に大規模ショッピングモールが完成するのだ。静かな街だったパシフィックパリセーズに外部から人が流入するようになり、リース料も高騰することが予想される。しかし、それをチャンスと捉え、Sasabune Expressがどのような奮闘ぶりを見せるのかが楽しみだ。
Sushi Sasabune Express
970 Monument St. Suite 118
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
Mon– Sat 12:00pm-2:30pm,4:00pm-8:30pm
Sun 4:00pm-8:30pm