Front: Tuna Tarts ($15) (front) Back: Buttermilk Karaage ($9)
Ramen Salad ($8)
Braised Belly Bun ($8)
Seabass Skewers ($13.5)

General Manager, Justin Gonzalez
Cherry Special Rolls: Spicy Tuna, Bacon Caesar, Crispy Shrimp
Stylishly arranged Japanese Izakaya
Williamsburg in Brooklyn, New York, is known for the highest fashion sense in town.More and more unique boutiques and cafes are opening up one after another, and you find something new every time you go there. While you walk down the street of Williamsburg, an extraordinary stylish façade draws your attention. The sign says “Cherry Izakaya”. When you push open its door to step into the space, you see a place so sophisticated and in good taste, that it gives an impression so far away from what you would normally think of from the word “Japanese Izakaya”.
“I modernized the concept of the Japanese Izakaya that inspired me originally. I would like the customers to enjoy food and sake in their own unique individual way in a warm and relaxing atmosphere”, says Mr. Justin Gonzales, the General Manager of this place. He has worked in various Japanese restaurants in the past, knows Japanese food culture very well, and is passionate about making it known to the world. Some customers are still not familiar with Izakya ordering style, in which you order items one by one at your own preferred timing, and dishes are shared by everybody at the table. This unique Izakaya way is explained to each of such customers by the staff because they believe in good hospitality and communication.
The executive chef, John Keller, who has worked for various well-known restaurants including “Nobu”, created a menu that covers a wide range of dishes from some creative dishes with Japan’s unique ingredients and cooking styles, to typical American dishes such as steaks and hamburgers. Their Izakaya style menu items are divided into categories such as “Starters”, “Appetizers”, “Mains”, “Ramen”, “Sushi”, etc. to make it easy for the customers to make selections.
The most popular dish is the “Tuna Tarts” ($15) which is served with fresh and radiant thinly sliced tuna on a savory baked tart dough. What makes it so good is the creamy ponzu sauce and truffle oil, which is a creative combination Japanese people may usually don’t think of. Other dishes such as “Ramen Salad” ($8) with enjoyable texture of crispy fried noodle, “Braised Pork Belly Bun” ($8) with pork belly cooked so tender it melts in your mouth, ($8), and “Seabass Skewers” ($13.5) dressed perfectly with sweet miso sauce may also surprise you with their unique combination of ingredients and presentation. One striking item is the “Bacon Caesar Roll” with smoked bacon, kale and avocado. Every dish presents an excellent combination of ingredients without being too unapproachable.
The Brunch menu is also important to this place, and items are named to stir people’s curiosity such as “Tuna Crispy Rice Benedict” and “Breakfast Ramen”.
They have placed extra effort in attracting crowds since the location is not facing the main street of Williamsburg, and is a bit hidden. You need to turn into a smaller street, so it is not easy to spot the place unless you are specifically looking for it. So, mainly advertising through social media such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, they offer two special deals, “Ramen Mondays” and “Sake Sundays”. Their online delivery service is rapidly gaining popularity, which is also resulting in bringing more customers to the restaurant.
The stylish interior is also worth seeing. They won third prize for the 10 best designed restaurants in America in Dwell Magazine last year. It creates a sophisticated yet comforting space, decorated in a motif of Japanese traditional paintings and buildings.
I believe that “Cherry Izakaya” which contributes to the introduction of more and more Japanese food culture one after another, will subvert the image of the traditional Izakaya that most Japanese people have, in a nice way.
今、ニューヨークで最も流行感度が高いと言われるブルックリンのウィリアムズバーグ地区。個性的なブティックやカフェが次々と登場し、訪れる度に新しい発見が感じられる街を歩くと、ひときわスタイリッシュな外観に目を奪われる。『Cherry Izakaya』――扉を押して足を踏み入れると、日本の“居酒屋”という言葉から連想される庶民的なイメージとは全く異なる、都会的でセンスのよい空間が広がっている。
「日本の“居酒屋”のコンセプトからインスピレーションを受け、モダンにアレンジした。心温まるリラックスした雰囲気で、それぞれのスタイルで料理やお酒を楽しんでもらいたい」と話すのはジェネラル・マネジャー のジャスティン・ゴンザレス氏。過去に数々の日本食店で経験を積み、日本の食文化に精通し、それを伝えることに意欲的な人物だ。訪れる客の中には、好きな料理を好きなタイミングで注文したり、ひとつの料理を分け合ったりする、居酒屋独特のスタイルに慣れていない人もいるが、ホスピタリティとコミュニケーションを大切に、ひとりひとりの客に丁寧に説明する。
スタイリッシュな内装も一見の価値がある。昨年、『Dwell Magazine』誌が選ぶ「アメリカのベスト・デザイン・レストランの第三位にも選ばれている。日本の伝統的な絵画や建築をモチーフに使い、洗練されつつも温かさのある空間だ。
ウィリアムズバーグ地区で、新しい日本食文化を次々発信してくれる『Cherry Izakaya』。日本人が描く“居酒屋”のイメージやメニューを気持ちよく覆してくれる店だ。
Cherry Izakaya
138 N 8th Street Brooklyn, NY 11249
Tel: 347-889-6300
Dinner Sun.- Wed. / 5:30pm- 10:00pm Thurs. / 5:30pm- 11:00pm Fri.- Sat. / 5:30pm- midnight
Brunch Sun. / 11:30am- 4:00pm